Video travel health consultations

If you would like travel health advice but are not able to appear in person at our clinic, you may be able to access our expertise via video conferencing.

If you are a resident of Alberta, it may be possible to do a travel health consultation via video conference and provide you with a prescription that would be faxed to your local pharmacy.  This is a different service than LiveNinja.  More information can be found at our telehealth webpage

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If you live outside of the province of Alberta, you can also request an appointment with one of our travel health pharmacists.  They will answer your travel health questions and depending on where you live, they may be able to issue a prescription that can be faxed to your local pharmacy.  Please contact us and we can share the information we have about your province or state and also give you contact information for the regulatory bodies in your area.  Another way of finding out is asking your local pharamacist if they are allowed to fill a prescription from an Alberta pharmacist with prescribing authority.  They will know or should be able to find out whether they are allowed to fill the prescription or not.

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