Useful Tips for Travelers

At a travel health consultation you will receive a comprehensive travel report, but here are a few general points that all travelers should consider:


  • Have adequate travel insurance including evacuation insurance.
  • Pack all necessary documentation such as passport and/or yellow fever vaccination certificates.
  • Bring enough prescription medications for length of your trip and a few extra days. When flying, have them in your carry on luggage if possible.


  • Eat food that has been recently and thoroughly cooked, boiled, or are able to be peeled. Avoid raw foods, anything washed in water, and ice cubes.
  • Use an insecticide containing at least DEET 30% and cover up with clothes in high risk areas
  • Use a sunscreen SPF 30 or more and reapply regularly. Cover up when possible including wear a hat.
  • Children under 6 months cannot use sunscreen so keep them well protected from the sun.
  • Get out of your seat during long flights and walk around regularly.
  • Always practice safe sex.
  • Avoid dogs, monkeys, and bats even if someone said they are safe. If bitten, immediately wash with soap and water and seek medical attention.
  • Respect and observe local laws and customs.


  • If you develop a fever or feel sick within a few months of travel, see a physician and make sure you tell them you were out of the country. Fever in a returning traveler should be considered malaria until proven otherwise.

For more information, click here to book an appointment with Polaris Travel Clinic and Pharmacy in Airdrie.