Polaris Travel Clinic and Pharmacy responds to global polio health emergency

Some countries may require proof of polio vaccination as a condition for entry. Polaris Travel Clinic and Pharmacy provides vaccinations and documentation recommended by Health Canada to ensure entry into affected countries.

The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the recent spread of poliovirus (polio) a public health emergency of international concern.  As a result, new recommendations regarding polio vaccinations have been implemented for travellers entering affected countries.  Even travellers who received their childhood polio vaccinations should receive an adult polio booster.

Countries of concern include Pakistan, Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, Syria, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Iraq, Israel, Somalia and Nigeria.  Health Canada recommends that official documentation be provided to anyone receiving a polio vaccination during this time.  For more information about Health Canada’s position, go to  http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/publicat/ccdr-rmtc/14vol40/dr-rm40-13/dr-rm40-13-com-eng.php.

Polaris Travel Clinic and Pharmacy regularly keeps polio vaccine in stock, and as a Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre, are able to provide the recommended documentation for travellers.

“With our practice focused on travel health, we make every effort to stay up to date with the latest information and recommendations.  We also want to ensure that our patients have the required vaccines so there are no surprises when they arrive at their destination,” said Jason Kmet, pharmacist and owner of Polaris.

To book an appointment, call the clinic at 403-980-8747 (TRIP) or click here to fill out our online appointment request form.